Politicians’ Covid Tyranny: A Look Back
Authored by Jim Bovard via The Mises Institute
Reflecting on events that unfolded five years ago, one cannot forget how politicians and bureaucrats exploited the Covid-19 pandemic to infringe upon Americans’ freedoms. Countless businesses were shuttered, churches were padlocked, schools were closed, and millions found themselves effectively under house arrest. Despite the sacrifices imposed, the virus continued to spread, resulting in a significant number of reported deaths.
My first critique of the pandemic response, titled “Pandemic Security Theater Is Self-Destructive, And Won’t Make Us Safer”, was published in the Daily Caller on March 24, 2020. I cautioned against the government’s overreach, warning that granting authorities unlimited power based on questionable data would only lead to the demise of our republic.
Throughout this period, the Mises Institute consistently opposed policies that sacrificed prosperity in the name of public health. In a May 19, 2020 article titled “Hacksawing the Economy,” I drew parallels between the political response to Covid-19 and the drastic measures taken during the Civil War. Politicians justified their actions by claiming that things would have been worse without the economic sacrifices, portraying themselves as saviors.
Living in the Washington area allowed me to witness firsthand the absurdities that unfolded during the pandemic. The proliferation of “I Believe in Science” signs and the idolization of Dr. Fauci struck me as eerie reminders of a never-ending Halloween.
My approach during the pandemic was guided by Thoreau’s philosophy – taking risks and not succumbing to isolation. Despite the challenges, I continued to lead hiking groups, defying unnecessary restrictions imposed by politicians.
As the situation escalated, I found myself at odds with President Biden’s stringent mask mandates, especially in outdoor settings where the risk of transmission was minimal. The politicization of public health measures only fueled division and animosity among Americans.
During my encounters in Washington, I observed a stark contrast in attitudes towards compliance based on education and socioeconomic status. The blind obedience to mandates and the vilification of dissenters revealed a troubling trend towards authoritarianism.
In Anacostia, a marginalized community in DC, residents pushed back against coercive vaccination campaigns, standing up against fear-mongering tactics employed by government officials. The disparities in vaccine uptake highlighted systemic inequalities and discrimination.
The revelations surrounding Dr. Fauci’s involvement in controversial research and his personal battle with Covid-19 raised questions about the credibility of public health officials. The blind trust in authorities had eroded, exposing the fallibility of those in power.
The pandemic served as a sobering reminder that entrusting unchecked authority to experts could have dire consequences. Americans must remain vigilant against encroachments on their liberties, recognizing that the greatest threat may come not from viruses, but from those in positions of power.