On Monday, Russia stocks closed higher with gains in various sectors driving the market up. At the close in Moscow, the MOEX Russia Index rose by 3.33% to reach a new 3-month high.
Among the top performers were Severstal PJSC (MCX:) with an 8.54% increase, Magnitogorskiy Metallurgicheskiy Kombinat PAO (MCX:) rising by 7.13%, and VK Company Ltd (MCX:) up by 5.89%. On the other hand, Transneft PJSC Pref (MCX:) was among the worst performers with a 0.12% decline.
Rising stocks significantly outnumbered declining ones on the Moscow Stock Exchange, with 238 gaining, 8 declining, and 7 unchanged. GDR ROS AGRO PLC ORD SHS (MCX:) remained unchanged at 52-week lows.
In commodities trading, Gold Futures for February delivery decreased by 0.40%, while Crude oil and Brent oil contracts for February and March delivery saw increases.
USD/RUB and EUR/RUB exchange rates rose, while the US Dollar Index Futures also showed a slight increase.